Community Orchard Update
The parish council has given the go ahead for the orchard (16 bush fruit trees) to be planted in the NW corner of the small parish field behind the Cottage Inn. GL has visited with JA and SL (both tree experts) who have helped choose an appropriate site and given lots of advice. They are happy to continue being involved as the project progresses. Proposed timing – funding to be sought now/summer – planting of bare root trees in autumn. There were some reservations from JW about the risk of fire and the increase in cover for potential burglars, however he did appreciate the benefits to wildlife. This will need to be discussed further. It was agreed that a small sub committee should be formed to run with the project and report back. Stanford Dingley have a community orchard and it was suggested that people go and have a look at that if interested. It is down the footpath to the left hand side of the church.
Gardening for Wildlife/wildflower planting
NP and TP met with OS (Farm Park), JA (Bucklebury farmer) and SK (Common Ranger) to brainstorm ideas. The outcome was to distribute a leaflet about gardening for wildlife to all households and school children in the parish and include a pack of wildflower seeds for planting as a good way of engaging people in the general concept – and involve children. NP looking into costings based on JA supplying seeds from his wholesaler. Just before the meeting, KF, Marlston Farm Girl (sustainable flower farm in Marlston) very kindly offered us locally grown cottage garden flower seeds for the project.
The flower planting project could incorporate using these garden flowers for the schools and most households and those interested in planting a larger area of wildflowers could request the wildflower mix in larger quantities. Wildflower growing can be fairly difficult so an easier, quick option was thought to be a good idea. JA talked about his efforts to enhance wildlife and diversity including 25 acres of wildflower planting and leaving a buffer strip of 24m either side of the Pang river where it runs through his land. He is also leaving internal field hedging (8,100m in total) for 3 years between cutting to provide more habitat for wildlife. This information to be added to the parish map.
JA grows wheat, barley and maise for the digester at the Hempel Farm in Chapel Row. The digester uses local material to produce 165Kw/hour of electricity into the grid. It was agreed that we should ask AH for an article for this for the website/newsletter as it is an incredible renewable energy project and something that not many people are aware of. It was agreed that a sub committee should also be formed to drive the Gardening for Wildlife project forward.
Repair Café
DS has now completed the PAT testing course and the Parish Council have very kindly agreed to fund the testing kit required for a Repair Café. DS explained a little about how the repair café works as he is already involved in the Thatcham and Newbury ones. We will need a lot of volunteers. About 10 people have already come forward but we might need more for a variety of tasks and not just the repairing. It was suggested that we reach out to the volunteers for the Newbury and Thatcham events to see if they might consider coming to Bucklebury to help. The plan is to run the Bucklebury Repair Café in a month that Thatcham are not holding theirs.
Items repaired include radios, coffee makers, hoovers, clothing, advice on mobile phones, bikes, small pieces of furniture to name but a few. Electrical items are PAT tested before and after they are looked at. Gas and petrol powered items cannot be mended. People are asked to sign a liability waiver when they bring items for repair. People are also asked to make a donation for the work carried out which helps with the running of the event and the purchase of essential equipment such as plugs, fuses, glue, etc.
It was pointed out that if people were more aware of local companies that can repair larger items such as washing machines, they might not replace them so readily, saving huge amounts from Landfill. Brown and Clemen is one such company based in Newbury and it was agreed that we should have a resource section on the website for this sort of information.
NP mentioned the Radio 4 Programme You and Yours from Thursday 13 February on companies that make money from mending things. It talks about the need to move to repairing items rather than replacing them and includes pieces on the Repair café movement and some countries that are introducing a compulsory mendability scale for electrical items. An interesting listen.
The Repair Café could possibly be combined with a book exchange. It was suggested that this might possibly be incorporated as part of the monthly Community Coffee Morning (last Friday of the month – Memorial Hall). It was also suggested later in the meeting that there could be a section on the website of books available and books wanted.
These are all still works in progress and GL appealed for further articles and interesting relevant information that could be added. Information from ARK (Action for River Kennet) could be included and SL mentioned the ARK meeting at Pangbourne Village Hall at 6.30pm on Tuesday 25 February. Could people also forward any information for the Parish Map. This can include resources within the area and not just Bucklebury
NP reported on the event which is to be held at St Bartholomews school on Saturday 5th April 10.30-3pm. It is due to be extremely informative with numerous talks, stalls, demonstrations, and food and drink. Areas covered will include sustainable Food, Home, Travel, Community, Nature and Stuff!
If people would like to help with volunteering they can sign up through the website. HP took posters to put up on Parish notice boards.
DATE OF NEXT MEETING – Tuesday 29th April 7pm in The Oak Room. Talk from Plastic Free Newbury and Thatcham on reducing the use plastics (particularly single use) in the parish.
Common Clearing – 29th March
Annual Parish Meeting - 23 May 7.45-9.45 Memorial Hall
Speakers from West Berkshire Green Exchange, Alistair and Dr Lennox, Chapel Row Surgery so likely to be a very interesting and informative meeting